Sunday, 28 February 2010

What annoys an oyster more

Cindy and I were awoken at about 3.30 am Saturday by our favourite neighbours and their subwoofers. Then, while still half asleep I heard someone yell, "Hey, turn it down!" and the reply, "Fuck you!" There was a bit more shouting that I couldn't make out but the music didn't stop. After a couple more minutes I decided to phone in a noise complaint but the number they give is for an office that isn't open at 3.30 am. I didn't really want to call 911 so we just went back to sleep.

The next morning we were still annoyed so we printed a copy of the city's noise laws and highlighted the bits that said "Night time limits for non-stationary noise are from 11:00 p.m. - 6:00 a.m." and "A simple rule of thumb is that a noise is excessive if it can be heard in the public right of way or in another resident's home." I could have just slipped in under their door but I felt more like sticking it to their door with a dagger. I found that there was already a nail there so I compromised by just sticking the note on that. The only problem is, 24 hours later the note is still there. I don't think they've left their apartment in that time!

Friday, 5 February 2010

It's Slushing!

Yesterday afternoon a secretary from the philosophy dept sent out an email warning of an oncoming blizzard and warning that, because they live outside of the centre of town, the office might not be staffed today. Last night on the tele there was a little warning in the corner of the screen, warning the counties of south-central Indiana to be on the alert.

When we woke up this morning there was no snow. Another email was sent out saying that they were there but couldn't promise to stay the whole day. There was a mix of rain and snow when I walked to campus for a 10 am lecture but coming back at 11.30 it was snowing properly but turning to slush on contact. Which makes things a bit slippery; you have to waddle to keep your balance.

And I'm going to have to go back out today to get the car from the mechanic's. Luckily it will have two new tyres that will help me drive back through the slippery slush.