Today was my first Thanksgiving!
Trying to get into the spirit, I listened to Alice's Restaurant on a loop all day. I can now recite the whole 18min 37sec; I'm not proud.
All the other students left town a couple of days ago but will have to rush back for classes on Monday. So, feeling a little jealous, I invited some other international students over for lunch so we could spend the day among friends while all the Americans are off with their families.
I cooked walking bird with all the trimmings! The baked spuds were a little too crunchy for my taste but the sweet potatoes were perfect! (But not American style! They call them "yams" and cook them in syrup! I wan't prepared to go that far for the sake of authenticity.) The turkey was over 12 lb (5.5kg) and the three of us ate less than half! It looks like I'll be having turkey sandwiches for lunch for the next year or so.
Don't know how Xmas could beat that, maybe with a turducken!